
Committ case study


Committ by Macmillan


Role: Experience Director / UX Designer / Visual Designer

Agency: Pixeled Eggs

Media: Branding & Responsive Website

About the Project

Macmillan was looking for a new way to raise money that was more online-centric and could tie into the various times of the year when people are focused on making personal changes, especially health changes. With the New Year around the corner, this was the perfect time for Macmillan to test this type of fundraising by harnessing people’s New Year’s resolutions. Committ is a platform where people can track how well they are doing with their resolutions and have some incentive to do well as they would be charged for any week they failed. But this charge all went to a good cause – help for Macmillan and their cancer related programmes.

Project Objectives

The brief from Macmillan included:
1. Come up with branding, UX and site design in very short order for them to test in a soft launch and then iterate/tweak later depending on their conversion rates.
2. Create a brand that was energetic, but not specifically health themed, and appeal equally to both men and women in tone and imagery.
3. The site itself needed to be very simple, clear and flexibly responsive in a modular way given that Macmillan was eager to do copious tests with the design, messaging and modules.

Project Challenges

1. Short timeline. Seriously, really short timeline!
2. Trying to match the optimal user journey / user expectation with the limitations we encountered with Sage Pay. Ideally, a user would sign up to have a certain amount charged to them via Sage Pay each week they did not meet their goals – so a little at a time. Unfortunately, for this platform, Sage Pay wanted authorisation for the full sum you COULD pay (assuming you failed your goal every week) up front before they could charge in installments. This gave the impression to the user that they were being charged all of it up front which led to significant drop off at the pay gateway (all of this coming to light 2 days before launch); we’re still tackling the best way to handle this issue from a user perspective to this day through a series of quick tests.


Committ Branding and Site Designs


Home Page



Registration – Page 1



Registration – Page 2



Dashboard – Check-in



“Goal Not Met” Messaging



Check-in Reminder




Posted on

June 19, 2015